Tuesday, October 7, 2014


     I believe that Christianity is not a religion but, a relationship. In a religion you have to go out and find a god. In a relationship God finds you. In a religion you have no personal relationship. But a relationship with God is real and personal. I believe that people fall from Christ because they claim it to be a religion. A religion has you in a chain and collar, full of do’s and don’ts. More people would stay followers if they treated it as a relationship. Full of love and comfort. Yes, things won’t always be easy, but wouldn't you rather have your Father, the Master of the universe, by your side? He'll carry you if you let Him.

The biggest growing religion today is Islam. This is because the Muslims welcome anyone and everyone in, the trick is, once you’re in, there’s no getting out. I believe they turn to Islam because they have had a bad experience with a Christian. What non believers don’t understand is that just because we’re Christians doesn't mean we’re perfect. We have off days just like everyone else. We ain't perfect.
Maybe thats not it. Maybe non believers see Christianity as a threat. Non believers see us standing up against the homosexuals and abortions. Maybe they feel that we’ll go against them. Raise up as a nation and conquer the world. Non believers see us everywhere. Non believers watch us as we pray for our meals in public. They hear us when we say the Lord’s Prayer. Perhaps they feel uncomfortable, maybe even out of place. I bet they feel just as we do around Muslims.
Whatever their reason may be, its our duty as God’s Prince and Princess to show them the amazing relationship we have with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

But then again. It’s not just non believers. Ask yourself, are we treating Christianity as a relationship? We may say of course, but truly, we’re no better than the Muslims. We act more like the Pharisees than the Gentiles. We only accept what we’re sure of. If its different wwe throw it out, reject it, even if its something good. We’re scared of change. If its not us, its no one.

Maybe that’s what we all need, change…

If we stopped acting like we’re the best, stop shoving Christianity down people’s throats then maybe, they’d come to Christ. If we’d stop letting people throw us around, stand up for what we believe in. They try and take God’s name out of our national anthem, off of our dollar bill, out of schools...and we don’t do anything to stop them. That’s showing a real relationship right there. God’s always there for us but we don’t do a thing for Him. So let’s make some noise! Let our voices be heard! We have as much right as anyone else. Lets show the world how powerful our relationship with God is. Lets show the world how powerful untided Christains can be.

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